Happy Winter Holiday Everyone!
I’ve come today with three kinds of buildings to show, as well as to sum up this year and look at the next one with great hopes.
The last buildable building type I haven’t talked about yet is the pylon. Pylons can be charged by tower shots, and they release their armor ignoring, long range shots when the monsters arrive. Their damage depends on the highest damage tower shots they get, with each incoming shot adding some charge depending on its relative damage. For example, firing at a pylon with a high grade and a low grade gem makes the pylon store high damage shots, with the lower grade gem’s shots adding less charge than the high grade ones.

Walls got a visual upgrade, there are three different types for more battlefield variety, and they can be built by you too, clicking the wall spell button repeatedly changes the wall type to build. In addition to the regular wall from GCCS, there is a “megalithic” wall resembling GCL’s wall style, and shrubs can be built too. Functionally they all work the same way. Shrub colors will be set for each field, e.g. a red leafy forest will have accompanying shrubs, snowy locations might have white ones.

Newly added barricades are road-blocking destructible piles of stone and debris, they can be demolished with lots of shots to open new path segments, with the opportunity to set longer maze paths for the monsters to walk.

It’s the end of the year again, a year has passed since the screenshot with the christmas tree shaped level last December, let’s have a look at it again with the latest game build.

Many tasks have been done since then, but there’s still quite a few months’ work to be done before releasing the game, I’d rather not narrow down the release date, but I’m pretty sure the game will be out in the first half of 2019. I hoped to make it by now (or even much earlier), but at least we are getting closer.
We have just finished the developer validation process on Steam, so our company can put games up on Steam from now on. 🙂 I’ll be on making a Steam home page for us, and a “Coming soon” page for GCFW is coming soon too.
Looking back at this year I see there should have been much more progress made; it must be frustrating waiting for the next GemCraft as I’m keeping you waiting one month after another, always lagging behind my ever sliding schedule, I’m sorry for the slow progress, I hope you’ll enjoy the game so much that it can make up for all the delay in the end.
Everyone have a great new year, see you in January!