GCL v.1.02 uploaded

Recent changes in GCL v.1.02:

-GCL now runs on Flash Player 10.2+ only, earlier versions of Flash Player (tested with 10.0) can have errors that make the game itself run errorously (like the “cannot build anything” or “no mana” problem). If you don’t have the latest Flash Player, the game tells you where to download it from. (nothing special, it’s http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ ) !Close your browsers right after you start the installation, the Flash Player can be updated only if the browser isn’t running (it can’t be “hotswapped”)! Update your browser if you can, too. Newer versions of Chrome and Firefox auto-update the Flash Player, so you won’t have to bother with it again.
-fixed: In the labyrinth map, rolling over a field, the info panel sometimes showed the gem colors and gem type names in non-matching order.
-probably fixed: battle setting buttons not working: made many changes to make them work, still not sure if it’s ok (works for me)
-fixed: remaining skill points calculation – resetting skills gave less skill points than dragging all the skills down to zero, and this same calculation error could cause negative skill points left after a battle was won and the skill points were recalculated. NOTE: if you see negative skill points left now, it’s because with the proper calculations it turns out that you spent too much; simply drag down any of your skills to get back points and get a positive (or zero) skill pt balance.
-shrines got cheaper to build.
-formerly there was “+12 battle settings” in the Premium Edition purchase info panels, but the actual number of locked premium settings is 10. Sorry for that, it wasn’t intentional.
-fixed: when combining two gems, sometimes the resulting gem had a lower min-max damage than the stronger initial gem.

There are still more things to fix, so v.1.03 is coming soon!

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