Tag Archives: gemcraft

GC2:CS v.1.1.3 + please vote!

Happy new year Everyone! A new build of Chasing Shadows has just been uploaded, with another batch of annoyances removed (hopefully for good). This month will be spent studying the Steamworks SDK, keeping the email pile low, and probably releasing … Continue reading

GC2:CS v.1.1.0 released!

Hey Everyone, After months since the last update, a major update for GC2:CS is finally here! This is a huge step towards making the game ready to be Steam ported, which as of now is planned to take place at … Continue reading

GC2:CS v.1.1.0 info

Hello Everyone, Sorry for the crawling slow progress beyond all delays as usual, but finally a new version of GemCraft Chasing Shadows, introducing new content, changes, and fixes, v.1.1.0, is getting together and ready for release. As of now, the … Continue reading

GemCraft Chasing Shadows OST

Hey Everyone, The soundtrack of GC2:Chasing Shadows is now available on Youtube as well as on Bandcamp! Listen, download, enjoy! 🙂 Prior to this title, I was reluctant adding any music to our games, thinking of it as a burden … Continue reading

GC2:CS new version uploaded

Hey Everyone, After a few weeks’ delay, a new build (v.1.0.16) of GC2: Chasing Shadows is up! After at least one more bugfix build to come, new content will added as well in v.1.1! I’ll carry on replying to your … Continue reading

GemCraft Chasing Shadows released!

Hey Everyone, The waiting is over… GemCraft chapter two: Chasing Shadows has been released! http://armorgames.com/play/15760/gemcraft-chasing-shadows Sorry for not telling anything for the last week or more, apart from saying sorry again and playing guesses about a new release date I … Continue reading

GemCraft has been Greenlit!

Hello Everyone, GemCraft chapter two: Chasing Shadows has just been Greenlit on Steam! This couldn’t have happened without your help! A huge Thank You to all of you for both voting and for all the support through these 3+ years … Continue reading

GC2:CS on Steam Greenlight! Please vote!

Hey Everyone, Last time I mentioned that next week there would be an announcement… yes, you remember right, that was 22 days ago… but that “next week” has finally come!

GC2:CS to be released in January 2014

Hello Everyone, I’m sorry to announce that GemCraft chapter 2:: Chasing Shadows will be released in January 2014. I’ve talked to Armor Games about this last week, I gave it a few more days to see if there’s still a … Continue reading

GC2:CS – Battle Traits

In today’s late and short post, I’ll briefly cover the so-called battle traits. This feature is quite similar to GCL’s battle settings, it allows you to add various extra difficulty traits to get more XP in return (in case you … Continue reading