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GC2:CS – Monsters update

Happy new year Everyone!
No, I still can’t give you an exact release date. 🙂

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GC2:CS – Skills

The new chapter will have 25 skills laid out in a 5×5 grid. Some skills were dropped or merged, and the new strike spells and gem enhancements brought along their skills. Don’t worry if you’ll miss your favorite skill, the talisman system will add lots of additional bonuses (and it will be easily extendable post-release).

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GC2:CS – Weather

Weather will change every time you return to the world map, each field having its own weather, to give you another layer of decision depth when picking your next field, as each weather type has one positive and one negative effect.

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GC2:CS – World map

I have told everything about the map last time (sorry again for the delay!), now I can show you some early screenshots.

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Delay of 2 weeks

If you read this, you must be looking forward to GC2, so I’m really sorry to tell that today’s screenshots are not ready yet.

A few pictures will tell far more than my few words here, but I give it a try:

  • The map consists of lots of hexagonal tiles (similar to a puzzle), each tile representing a larger area, with enough space for 5-7 fields (stages).
  • The field tokens’ shapes resemble the grade 1 gem, with markers for the battle modes (giving a quick info on which battle mode and on what difficulty you have won).
  • You will have to get the map tiles as well as the field tokens as drops during battles.You start the whole game with one hexagonal area and the map gets together piece by piece as you progress in the game.
  • The whole map will be larger than the 900×600 game screen, so there will be navigation (pan, zoom) features to help get around.

There will be an other no-post 2nd Monday, I will celebrate Christmas with family on the 24th of Dec (and spend the preceding days with stuff like rebuilding last year’s Lego set 10216 for the occasion); I hope there will be no interruptions in the blog flow until release.

Many of you have still asked about the release date, so: my best guess at the moment is Q2 2013.

Thank you for your continued support, please visit again in 2 weeks, on the 12th of November!

GC2:CS features – XP system, battle outcome panel

In GCL, you couldn’t easily tell whether you are going to set a new XP record during a battle, because of the various XP multipliers being calculated only at the end of it. It’s not the case anymore, the XP multipliers rolling in the battle outcome panel are gone. Each XP you earn is being added to the battle’s total XP instantly (and boosted with any applicable multipliers -like the mana pool tier bonus- on the fly).

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GC2:CS features – Battle modes

Formerly, as I wrote to many of you in emails, the battle mode selector was planned to be a hybrid of GCL’s pick-what-you-want (but basically one main mode with lots of tweakables) and GC0’s lots of (not so) different game modes. After lots of changes in the plans, the “currently final” version is distilled into a 3 modes * 3 difficulty levels simple selector, and some kind of challenge generator where you can have lots of perks and tweaks added (this latter will be shown later in the blog, or probably only in the released game (let’s keep some things secret until release)).

The main idea was to make the battle modes really different, not just like “+20% giant monsters”, so a fundamental rule (“What is the defeat condition?”) was at the scope.

The results are:

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GC2:CS features – Breakables, drops

If you have ever played hack ‘n’ slash dungeon crawler games (Torchlight, Path of Exile, Diablo), you are surely familiar with the concept of crates, jugs, barrels all over the place that are only waiting for you to crush them so that they can pour the floor with loot.

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GC2:CS features – Revisiting previous topics II

First about the monster nests that were left out last time. The visual appearance of nests will be built of modules – columns, arches, roof – that could be combined and recolored freely to add more visual variety to the game.

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GC2:CS features – Tombs

Sorry for the short post for today – the new monster nests are not ready to be shown yet (I hope to show them in the next post, it will be a cover up, so nests will fit in too), and there’s not much to be told here either, as both monster nests and tombs work basically the same way as in GCL.

These are the changes: Continue reading