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GC2:CS – Almost there

Thanks for still being here, and sorry for not even replying at all to comments and emails these days, but that will have to wait until after release.

Back in November, when I was still hoping to finish the game before Christmas, I thought cutting or postponing some features could make the impossible possible. It was far from reality, so, as you all know, the holiday came and went without the game. Realizing that the “coming in 2013” deadline couldn’t be met, we switched back to plan A, aiming to work on the game until it’s ready for real. January seemed a reasonable guess, giving 31 more days, plus the whole holiday season. Should be more than enough, right? Well, almost.

As it always happens here, tasks take longer than I guess at first (or even second) sight, so we’re still not ready, but the remaining tasks fill up less than one (one-sided) sheet of paper and I rule one out every few days, so we’ll get there soon.

Almost 3 years have passed since the release of GCL (2011 February 17), now I’m sure it would have been a mistake releasing the game unfinished, there was way too much time and energy put into it already to ruin the experience for the sake of an earlier release.

So, all I can say is, please be patient for a while longer, we’re close now, don’t want to go into more guessing and missing or fueling speculations, we’ll have a release date when the game gets ready, tests done and connected to AG. I’ll write you then!

GC2:CS – Still alive

Happy New Year Everyone!

Still alive and still working on GC2:CS, much closer to completion than a month ago.
As soon as there’s anything to write about, I’ll keep you posted, and as soon as the game is ready, it will be released!
Hang in there!

GC2:CS to be released in January 2014

Hello Everyone,

I’m sorry to announce that GemCraft chapter 2:: Chasing Shadows will be released in January 2014.
I’ve talked to Armor Games about this last week, I gave it a few more days to see if there’s still a way though to get there this year, but, sadly, there isn’t.

Why: Continue reading

GC2:CS – Rush for release

Hello Everyone,

We’re working hard to meet the December release, so I had to realize that there’s no time to spend on preparing blogposts. The post topics I planned for today (options, endurance, talisman tweaks) are not really content rich or screenshot-friendly, and this awkward topic selection also shows that we have pretty much run out of things to cover without ruining your gaming experience. I have great hopes that we can ship the game just before the holiday season kicks in, but to make that happen, everything has to be thrown at pushing the game onwards. So, sorry in advance if replying your emails/comments will take even longer than usually (probably until release).

I’ll write you as soon as the release date is marked and everything is set!

GC2:CS – Battle Traits

In today’s late and short post, I’ll briefly cover the so-called battle traits. This feature is quite similar to GCL’s battle settings, it allows you to add various extra difficulty traits to get more XP in return (in case you succeed with the battle). GCL’s seemingly vast palette of settings was in fact a few groups (monster amount and strength, waves amount, monster types – and some extra settings with on/off states) in disguise. Here in GC2, there will be 9 traits picked with variety in mind, each having 7 levels of increasing effect.

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GC2:CS – Talisman revisited

One day (almost two days) late again, but finally here is the next post. Instead of emphasizing my sorrow for the delay (again), let me shout a huge Thank You for all of your supportive comments after the release of the trailer 2 weeks ago! 🙂 It was so great reading about your excitement for the game! I really hope this game will bring you hours and hours of pure fun!

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GC2:CS Trailer

Finally! 🙂 It took 137 GB of raw video cut together and almost 6 hours to upload to Youtube, but here it is, the game in motion!

I hope you’ll like it!

One more day

until the next post, sorry for the delay!

GC2:CS – Fall semester begins

Hey Everyone,

I hope you had a great summer, it was a busy but rewarding few months here working on GC2, I hoped to bring you more than a blogpost, but maybe next time, which will be 2 weeks from now, as I start posting again every second Monday. Continue reading

GC2:CS – Last post before summer

First, about the achievements’ look (at the moment):
After lots of rethinking and trial-and-error, achievement icons are planned to have this kind of style. These icons are drawn by the game on the fly, using an inner “script language”, almost the same I made for generating the terrain for levels. Staying close to the style of previous chapters’ amulets (which are now achievements), where I used some stone plates with shiny inlays, seemed a reasonable idea.

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