GC2:CS – Talisman revisited

One day (almost two days) late again, but finally here is the next post. Instead of emphasizing my sorrow for the delay (again), let me shout a huge Thank You for all of your supportive comments after the release of the trailer 2 weeks ago! 🙂 It was so great reading about your excitement for the game! I really hope this game will bring you hours and hours of pure fun!

Yes, the release is aimed to take place at the end of this year, with some of the non-critical content pushed post-release if necessary.

Today, I will tell more about the Talisman. It’s much closer now to how it would look and work in the release version, than in the post back in March. The concept is still the same, read the previous post if you missed it.

Some fragments are more rare and valuable than others. There are 100 rarity levels, 1 being very common, having one low power random property, while fragments close to rarity level of 100 are very hard to find (and require a very high wizard level to at least get the chance of finding one), but they have many properties with high values, probably even having the fabulous “+1 to some skills” property.

Rarity is roughly shown by the color of the fragment, every 10 grades of rarity have different colors.

There was a “magic find”(ish) property, but it was taken out, because I didn’t want to force players to make the frustrating decision of either trading off actually useful properties or a higher chance of finding better fragments. So here in GC2:CS, reaching higher wizard levels naturally increases your chance to get the ultimate equipment for your talisman.

When your talisman slots get full, you’ll have to decide what fragments to keep and what to discard. In ARPG games, rolling over, say, a pair of boots, will tell you if they are better than the ones your character is already wearing, but here each fragment competes against five others to get into a talisman socket. 5+1 info panels would fill the game’s screen and would be hard to read, so you have to drag the fragment you’d like to compare, on top of an other fragment of the same type.

Upgrading fragments is made player-friendly in the way that the game tells you the hidden properties in advance, so you don’t have to spend your precious shadow cores on upgrading a fragment only to find that it didn’t give what you planned for and it was a waste of time and money. Higher rarity fragments have more upgrade levels.

You don’t have to keep track of all the up to 15 fragments’ properties to see your actual battle bonuses, rolling over the sum button tells you the huge and (ideally) epic list of summarized properties. Similarly, to get a quick hint at rarity and upgrade levels, you only have to roll over the other button.

That’s all for today, next blogpost arrives in about 13 days, please stay tuned! 🙂 And thanks again for all the words of support!

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