GC2:CS features – Tombs

Sorry for the short post for today – the new monster nests are not ready to be shown yet (I hope to show them in the next post, it will be a cover up, so nests will fit in too), and there’s not much to be told here either, as both monster nests and tombs work basically the same way as in GCL.

These are the changes:

  • From tombs, monsters don’t rush all out at once, a few seconds will pass until all the monsters crawl out.
  • In GCL, there were 8 fixed tomb types, each type always containing monsters in the same amount and toughness. Now, tombs can get their looks from a wider set and their content can vary, even when replaying the same stage, so opening a tomb will be more risky.
  • The more tomb you raid as you progress in the game, the more accurate info you can get on its contents from its info panel. (I first met with this feature in Diablo 1 (yeah, the one released in 1996), where the more you killed of a given type of enemy, the more details you were given on its hit points and abilities.)
  • Monster nests have an armor level too now.
  • Both tombs and nests (and the new, circular orb support) can be color-adjusted to match the environment.

Coming up next:

3rd of September:
Revisiting previous topics again (featuring monster nests)

17th of September:
Breakables, drops

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