GC Labyrinth final update: v.1.17

Ok, this is the last one. There are still some minor bugs and features asked for but not fulfilled, but anything from now on will be left to be considered for GC2.

So, unless there is some major bug (that makes the game unplayable) in this version, there will be no more updates.

Here is the list of fixes & changes for GC Labyrinth v.1.17:

-ctrl-click on a wave stone to send all remaining waves
-fixed preloader (less “black screen” preloading)
-victory screen info panels not appearing fixed
-“construction” skill description clarified (it affects shrines too)
-“Activate shrine with grade 7 gem” was possible to do with a grade 6 gem
-“Build 5 amplifiers” and “Build 10 towers” amulet looks synced
-Upgrading is now disabled when in gem bombing mode
-fixed auto-extend mana pool vs wild gem refund issue
-“Win a battle with no more than 2 gems at any time…” amulet description clarified

I still have the pile of emails to go through, but after that it’s already time to move on to
GemCraft chapter 2!

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